Voting rights from abroad
New voting rights for Brits Abroad
All British citizens living abroad who have ever lived in the UK or who were registered to vote there can now regiser to vote
To be eligible to vote at the general election, you must have applied by Tuesday 18th June.
If you are unsure about your registration, contact the Electoral Registration Office for the area where you have a right to vote.
If you have registered since the new system came into force in January 2024, your renewal will not now be due for 3 years.
How to vote (and avoid postal delays)
To avoid postal delays from abroad - we have recommended overseas voters a proxy in the UK to vote on their behalf.
Your proxy can live anywhere in the UK as they are allowed to vote for you by post.
See here for more information about applying for a proxy vote
Visit our site to find out about your voting rights. Email our team on if you have any questions.